When everyone was making their New Year's Resolutions to lose weight or save money, I was making social and art-oriented goals. To get more involved in the local art scene and to see my friends more often.
What I forgot to include was all the time that would need to be applied to making all the stuff I wanted to hand-craft for said art stuff, AND the stuff for the wedding. So we get to September, I feel a little behind on the stuff for the wedding, I feel a little overwhelmed with how much time I've put into the art shows, and Hobbit is feeling more than a little neglected at times (not to mention my friends....I'm pretty sure I've chased a few more off during the past summer.)
So, while driving down to the Starving Artists' Benefit, I told Hobbit that this would be the last show of the year so I could dedicate more time to him, friends, and wedding. Little did I know that said Benefit would be cancelled/possibly rescheduled to October. Ok, I can do that. Nor did I know that another group would contact me about a show in September.....ok....I can do that. THEN I realized Untitled's next show is in September.....Shit...I better think about this.
Which I did, and came to the conclusion to stick with my guns this month about my verdict, and participate in the rescheduled Benefit if it happens. See, even though I want to participate in Cadillac Tramp's show on September 25th VERY BADLY, there are already a ton of things that day: wedding with Hobbit's family mid-day and I'm not sure how long the reception is, there's another group of friends who are meeting up at another bar downtown, and it's technically Hobbit's birthday weekend, so he got to chose whether to really cram-pack that Saturday or not, and he wisely chose not to.
The Untitled Show came to the same demise in my plans, though I might be able to actually attend that one, just not as a participant. I shouldn't cough up the registration, even though it's a very, very reasonable amount, and though I'd possibly sell 5 small things, I just don't have the time to make one new large one (which I'm inclined to do for new shows. i don't have enough paintings to just haul one out at a given time.)
Instead of getting ready for these shows (even in the "psyche myself up" way) I'm pulling together things for the wedding. I'm hanging out with people and going on walks at Radnor Lake. I'm sketching for myself, and reading.
I figure I keep sketching and socializing I'll be ready to embrace both the local art scenes and the wonderous world of Freelance Spamming come January. November is full of wedding/honeymoon/Thanksgiving, and December is just rife with Family Things.
So forgive me for hunkering down and hiding in the Shire.