Friday, June 17, 2011

2 Months?!

Have two months really passed since I took a moment to collect the thoughts running around the art? Insane.

May was absolutely PACKED between freelancing and inventory building.
I was able to finish the inventory of Florid Findings and Heartworks and I fleshed out my display options for the Flatrock Festival on May 28th. A friend lent me his wooden walls to hang some orginal art, I borrowed a couple of 3'x3' tables and finally bought a little EZ tent for my very own. Being an outdoor event the tent was a necessity, as the husband and I are very, very sensitive to the sun. Unfortunately I didn't even think about the sun peeking around the sides, as it in the photo below, and we kept trying to escape it as the day wore on. Husband was burnt on his left side since he didn't hide as well as I, but I'll bring something to hide with next time.

Getting the inventory was a torrent of activity for about a week combining freelance, craftiness and trying to keep the husband from feeling too ignored. I was able to make many things at once since I've honed the steps to make certain items into an art.

Below are the uber-complex work stations for Heartworks. To the left is the cutting board with the various impliments I use to manipulate the clay into my little beauties. It's a portable station that I usually set up on the couch with Hobbit so we can at least be within the same space while I work.
To the right is the painting set up I use to paint and gloss numerous paintings and keep them seperated. It succeeds as long as Mr Copper, our cat, doesn't get too possessive and claim them as his toys.

I slowly built up the stock of fabric flowers over the past few months since those took the most time to create for the Florid Finding pendants. Once I had about 50 sewn I started collecting the shiney findings, jewelry bits and assembling the pendants.

Currently I'm chugging on with freelance projects and sketching new ideas for upcoming shows. I have a new series in the works and wanted to include one piece in the 20th anniversary show for Untitled on July 22nd and then in it's entirety in two group shows in August, "Saratoga's Revenge" Aug. 13th and "Let Them Art" Aug. 27th. I'll be posting sketch previews and production steps along the process. I'm severely excited about these pieces because they have traditional roots in subjects that artists reach into when creating fine art stuffs. At least, I'm consciously using those roots to draw inspiration instead of unconsciously.

Exciting stuff. Especially since this marks midway through 2011 and it's vow to get my art up, alive and earn a living from it. I haven't been able to work at CF in a while and my finances haven't suffered from it...which feels absolutely wonderful on my little art brain.

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