Monday, July 5, 2010


Even though I push myself to work on the entire piece at all times, I break that rule while doing very complicated pieces or those with multiple figures. The Testify! Shadowcast Portrait has 15 figures, if you include the corpse, so I sketched the absolute darks and lights in before attacking one figure with the shading and colors. Below you can see essentially the finished idea for the foreground figures...the background figures will have varying degrees of detail based on their story importance.
I was going for a very pulp fiction-graphic novel style with personal detail mixed with slight abstracts.

The level of detail relies on well placed lines and proper shapes instead of number of lines. Hopefully Shiloh here looks as much like the shadow actress as I feel she does, but you'd have to know her to give good judgement.

Now, let's see if I can knock out at least 5 more today!

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